Sumridge, Molly. (2017-present). Couch Wolves. CouchWolves.com Blog
Sumridge, Molly. (2016 - present). Molly Sumridge Blog.
Sumner, Molly. (2014-present) For the Love of Dog. Kindred Companions Blog.
Sumner, Molly. (2016). How to Get the Help You Need. The Shiba E-News.
Sumner, Molly. (2016) Nothing Personal, Just Business. Dealing with House Training Problems. The Shiba E-News.
Sumner, Molly. (2015). Guest Post: A Passion for Primitive Dogs. The Modern Dog Trainer.
Sumner, Molly. (2015) Prevent Your Dog From Bolting Out The Door Every Time You Open It. Barkpost.
Sumner, Molly. (2015) How This Newly Discovered Dog Is Shaking Up The Family Tree Barkpost.
Sumner, Molly. (2015) Door Bolting - Prevention and Long Term Solutions The Shiba E-News.
Sumner, Molly. (2015) Methods in the Madness - How to actually train your dog and get the results you want. The Shiba E-News.
Sumner, Molly. (2014) Shiba Sports: The Sky’s the Limit. The Shiba E-News.